Rice Weevil Control

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In tropical countries such as Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, and several other countries, rice is one of the staple foods that must be available every day. 

No wonder, if the rice harvest in several countries is abundant and storage warehouses are provided to place it post-harvest. Not infrequently, almost every house saves rice for daily consumption.

However, during storage, food ingredients may become change, both in terms of physical, chemical and biological quality as well as sensory quality. This often happens because of careless storage methods.

Consequences of Carelessly Storing Rice

As a staple food, it is not surprising that rice is produced as much as possible and then stored post-harvest, both at home and in post-harvest warehouses or grain storage or silo. 

However, the wrong or careless way of storing rice can lead to problems with rice quality. Thus, the quality of rice will decrease, even dangerous for consumption.

Perhaps you have encountered rice weevil or grain pest or other organisms that suddenly appeared in piles of rice stored at home for daily consumption or in warehouses or in silo for sale. In fact, in some cases, sometimes the rice smells bad. If that's the case, understand that your storage method is wrong.

Rice weevil such as Sitophilus oryzae, Sitophilus zeamais, Lesser grain borer (Rhyzopertha dominica), Granary weevil (Sitophilus granarius), Tribolium castaneum, Cryptolestes ferrugineus, Psocids or pest that appear on rice during storage usually come from pests / lice that have been around since rice was still unhull or even paddy. 

When the paddy is harvested, the lice eggs or rice weevil eggs are carried in the rice and during the storage process the lice or the pest hatch and hide in the rice grains, so they are not very visible on the surface.

It could also be that lice sneak into the rice storage because the warehouse used for storing rice products is not kept clean. The lice that had been a few then lay eggs until they become many and damage the quality of the rice. 

This is why the way rice is stored plays a role in determining the quality and resilience of rice. Errors in storage methods will result in unfit rice for consumption.

Good Rice Storage

Before being stored at home for household consumption, rice is first stored in production storage warehouses or silo. The purpose of this facility is to provide a safe storage area for freshly harvested commodities. 

Storage of rice in warehouses is considered the safest step to prevent damage that may occur to crops due to changes in temperature and weather, humidity, to fleas and other organisms, such as fungi.

However, the storage of rice in the warehouse must also be carefully considered because it does not mean that the warehouse is free from pests. 

Rice may be stored in the warehouse for a long time, here's a good way to store rice in a post-harvest warehouse:

  1. Before entering the harvest, the warehouse should be sterilized first with anti-pest spray or rice lice medicine and let stand for a while until the smell disappears. Spray on the walls, crevices, wooden pallets used to pile rice, down to every crack in the wall.
  2. The warehouse should be a tall building and have good ventilation so that the air circulation in the room rotates well.
  3. Strive for 12-13% grain moisture content considering that the higher the water content, the lower the shelf life.
  4. Do not put rice directly on the warehouse floor, but use a base, such as a wooden pallet, to avoid damp air from underground.
  5. Leave a distance between rows of rice piles from one another to make it easy to pick up, even to clean regularly.
  6. Carry out regular cleaning of the warehouse by sweeping the floor, cleaning the roof, and spraying SILOGUD 250 EC liquid insecticide around the warehouse space.
  7. You can also use chemical or natural fumigation techniques as a rice lice remedy.

The fumigation process itself can be done by cooperating with parties who are experienced in the application of fumigants. You can work with Panca Prima Wijaya to make sure the rice storage warehouse is safe and free of fleas. 

The fumigation process using Fumilikuid will ensure that all rice lice die instantly. Even the eggs and chicks of lice will disappear because of the active ingredients contained in Fumilikuid which are effective in eradicating lice in various types of commodities.

Phosphine Gas Fumigants Protect Your Commodities When Time and Efficacy Matter

Insects and pests can eat away at stored commodities. Many fumigators today rely on pesticide sprays or tablets, such as magnesium phosphide, aluminum phosphide and methyl bromide. 

Although effective, these products can pose safety, environmental and performance challenges, resulting in higher treatment costs and posing regulatory hurdles. 

Panca Prima Wijaya have new innovation technology which is cylinderized phosphine gas fumigants offer an alternative treatment option that addresses limitations posed by other offerings on the market.

Panca Prima Wijaya has more than 20 years of experience in the development of cylinderized phosphine gas fumigants for stored product pest management. 

By leveraging our technology and expertise, we help fumigators around the world convert from traditional fumigants to cylinderized phosphine.  

Two types of phosphine gas fumigants

We offer two types of phosphine gas fumigants for injection into agricultural commodity storage areas (silos, bins and containers) to effectively control all stages of insects when used in accordance with the label: FUMILIKUID 2 GA – ready-to-use, nonflammable phosphine gas liquid mixture and FUMIPHOS 56 TB – ready-to-use, nonflammable phosphine solid tablet decompose into gas during the fumigation process within 3-5 days.

Fumigation concentration and control

Compared to aluminum phosphide tablet, liquid phosphine fumigant, FUMILIKUID allow the user to precisely top-off phosphine concentrations ensuring fumigation concentration is held for the prescribed time and the highest efficacy possible. 

Fumigant control is performed from the outside of a structure, thereby limiting worker exposure to fumigant. Furthermore, FUMILIKUID fumigants do not generate residue, eliminating the cost and difficulty to dispose of process wastes. 

Panca's phosphine fumigant gases are EPA-approved for use with a variety of foods and non-foods. They can be applied to eradicate an array of potentially harmful insects and pests in ware¬houses of all sizes, railcars, ship-holds, sea con¬tainers and trailers, bins and silos, and tarps and bunkers.

A Reliable Choice When Time and Efficacy Matter Most

FUMILIKUID fumigant gas is a ready-to-use, nonflammable mixture of phosphine and carbon dioxide that enables effective fumigation in a wide variety of sealed-storage applications when used in accordance with the label. 

It is an effective alternative to methyl bromide and aluminum phosphide-based fumigants that delivers results, meeting fumigators' goals when time and efficacy matter most. 

FUMILIKUID is dispensed external to storage or structures using simple techniques that avoid applicator exposure, eliminate confined space entry and remove the need for spent fumigant disposal.

Key benefits

Advantages of FUMILIKUID fumigant gas compared to traditional fumigants include:

  • Nonflammable
  • Fast-acting
  • Easy application and control
  • Enhanced worker safety
  • No waste generation or disposal
  • Non-ozone depleting


Approved storage environments for FUMILIKUID include:

  • Warehouses
  • Railcars, ship-holds, sea containers and trailers
  • Bins and silos
  • Tarps and bunkers

Items protected

  • Seed, flour, wheat, corn, rice and other grains
  • Nuts, dried fruits, vegetables, cocoa and coffee beans
  • Tobacco and other non-food commodities
  • Processed foods
  • Animal feed and feed ingredients

Pests eliminated

  • Weevils (Rice, Granary)
  • Indian Meal Moth
  • Lesser Grain Borer
  • Grain Beetles (Rusty, Saw-Toothed, Merchant)
  • Flour Beetles (Red, Confused)
  • Cigarette Beetle
  • Warehouse Moth
  • Warehouse Beetle

Rhoshandhayani KT
Rhoshandhayani, seorang lifestyle blogger yang semangat bercerita tentang keluarga, relationship, travel and kuliner~

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